Selected Publications
Ma L, Katyare N, Johnston K, Everling S (2024) Effects of ketamine on frontoparietal interactions in a rule-based antisaccade task in macaque monkeys. J Neurosci Available at:
Ma L, Selvanayagam J, Ghahremani M, Hayrynen LK, Johnston K, Everling S. (2020). Single unit activity in marmoset posterior parietal cortex in a gap saccade task. J Neurophysiol, 123(3): 896-911.
Ma L, Chan JL, Johnston K, Lomber SG, Everling S. (2019). Macaque anterior cingulate cortex deactivation impairs performance and alters lateral prefrontal oscillatory activities in a rule-switching task. PLoS Biol 17(7): e3000045.
Ghahremani M, Johnston K, Ma L, Schaeffer L, Everling S. (2019). Electrical microstimulation evokes saccades in posterior parietal cortex of common marmosets. Journal of Neurophysiology.
Johnston K, Ma L, Schaeffer L, Everling S. (2019). Alpha-oscillations modulate preparatory activity in the marmoset frontal eye fields. Journal of Neuroscience. 39(10): 1855-66.
Ma L, Skoblenick K, Johnston K, Everling S. (2018). Ketamine alters lateral prefrontal oscillations in a rule-based working memory task. Journal of Neuroscience. 36(31): 8258-72.
Ma L, Hyman JM, Durstewitz D, Phillips AG, Seamans JK. (2016). A Quantitative Analysis of Context-Dependent Remapping of Medial Frontal Cortex Neurons and Ensembles. Journal of Neuroscience. 36(31): 8258-72.
Ma L, Skoblenick K, Seamans JK, Everling S. (2015). Ketamine-induced changes in the signal and noise of rule representation in working memory by lateral prefrontal neurons. Journal of Neuroscience. 35(33): 11612-11622.
Ma L, Hyman JM, Lindsay AJ, Phillips AG, Seamans JK. (2014). Differences in the emergent coding properties of cortical and striatal ensembles. Nature Neuroscience. 17(8): 1100-1106.
Ma L, Hyman JM, Phillips AG, Seamans JK. (2014). Tracking progress toward a goal in corticostriatal ensembles. Journal of Neuroscience. 34(6): 2244-2253.
Hyman JM, Ma L, Balaguer-Ballester E, Durstewitz D, Seamans JK. (2012). Contextual encoding by ensembles of medial prefrontal cortex neurons. PNAS. 109(13): 5086-5091.
Dalton GL, Ma L, Phillips AG, Floresco SB. (2011). Blockade of NMDA GluN2B receptors selectively impairs behavioral flexibility but not initial discrimination learning. Psychopharmacology. 216(4): 525-535.